Salvation Army Ajax | Pickering | Uxbridge
Our Community Services programs exist to provide a safe place for those in the Ajax and Pickering communities to access emergency food and other assistance, receive a hot meal and engage in the many programs and services offered by TSAHope. For more information, including partnerships and donations, please call our Community Services Coordinator, James Dark at 905-427-7123 or email: communityservices@tsahope
All Community and Family Services programs currently operate from 122 Hunt Street in Ajax.
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
10am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm
* We close for lunch on Mon & Wed from 12noon-1pm for our staff & volunteers’ lunch break.
* Our FREE Community Meals program operates Tues & Thurs 12noon – 1pm
Emergency Food, Clothing & Furniture
We offer the following services based on income and situation to residents of Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge: food bank, clothing and/or furniture vouchers from Ajax or Pickering Salvation Army Thrift Stores, Christmas food and toy assistance, and referrals to our Client Advocacy program or other services in the Durham Region.
Community Meals Lunch Program
Our FREE bi-weekly Community Meal is available for our community friends in need and take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12noon until 1pm at 122 Hunt St in Ajax.
Volunteer Opportunities
We rely on hundreds of volunteers annually to help us continue giving HOPE to friends in need in our community. To volunteer Monday through Thursday at any of our community services programs please call 905-427-7123 or email We will contact you if an opportunity is available.
Monetary donations can be made online or by mail addressed to: The Salvation Army, 122 Hunt St, Ajax, ON. Please make your cheque payable to “The Salvation Army Ajax Pickering or Uxbridge” We appreciation your generosity and kind support.
Perishable, non-perishable and monetary donations can be made at our offices at 122 Hunt St in Ajax during regular business hours from Monday through Thursday. Non-perishable food can also be donated at one of our many donation bins located at grocery and department stores throughout Ajax ans Pickering. For large quantities of donations, please call 905-427-7123 to arrange pick-up.
Food Donation Bin Locations:
Steve’s & Amanda’s No Frills @ Bayly St
No Frills @ Westney Rd N
Food Basics @ Harwood/Hunt
Food Basics @ Westney/Mcgill
Giant Tiger @ Westney Rd S
Metro @ Taunton/Salem
SuperCentre @ Kingston Rd